Our Latest News And Updates

What Is an Example of ABA Therapy?
December 14, 2023
ABA Therapy, or applied behavior analysis therapy, is a type of autism therapy designed to help children with autism learn new skills and reduce problem behaviors. It is characterized by careful observation, measurement, and analysis of behavior in order to understand the relationships between the environment, behavior, and learning. ABA therapy focuses on making changes…

How Often Do Kids Go to ABA Therapy?
November 5, 2023
Welcome to ACES! If you or a loved one is impacted by autism, we offer a variety of therapies at our center. For decades, we have been a trusted team of caring and professional individuals, and Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) is a therapy with which our team has extensive experience. This blog explores what to…

Laughter Is Medicine Too: Helping Individuals...
August 4, 2023
What the Research Says “There exists sufficient evidence to suggest that laughter has some positive, quantifiable effects on certain aspects of health. In this era of evidence-based medicine, it would be appropriate for laughter to be used as a complementary/alternative medicine in the prevention and treatment of illnesses.” (Mora-Ripoll, 2011) Although there is research showing…

Getting Children With Autism Ready For School
August 1, 2023
When you have a child with autism in your home, you know that keeping a schedule can be incredibly helpful and assist in keeping them healthy and happy as they grow! However, making big changes, like getting ready to attend school, can be daunting to prepare for. At ACES ABA, our team is dedicated to…

Birthday Parties at ACES
June 14, 2023
Children with ASD may not always be able to participate in life events in the same way as their neurotypical peers. ACES wants to ensure that each child we work with is provided the opportunity to access and experience these special life events provided ABA support from their ACES staff just as their neurotypical peers…

ACES Client Graduations – The Ultimate Goal
June 12, 2023
An ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) Graduation is one of the most special and impactful successes a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their family can experience in a lifetime. ABA is never meant to be a forever treatment. Rather, clinicians at ACES focus on treating the very specific and individualized needs of everyone with…